Monday, September 9, 2013

Gallup, New Mexico: Elder Collins - Blessings

The Indian people really believe in prayer and blessings. Sometimes when we talk to someone on the street they will ask for a prayer on their behalf because they know we are religious people and they want help with their problems. We have been to the hospital multiple times to give blessings for ward members. We've given blessings for little children to elderly people losing their sight or the ability to walk. Every blessing is special and my heart goes out to each person I bless. Just this morning we gave a blessing to someone that gets a lot of seizures. She even had one before we came there. They say the doctors don’t know how to help her. We gave her a beautiful blessing and I hope she will get better soon. I think we have given 5 to 8 blessings just in the last 2 weeks.

On Saturdays they have an outdoor fair where a lot of jewelry makers come out and display all their stuff that they have to sell. We checked it out during lunch. You can buy everything there. There are a lot of what looks to be stolen power tools, food, and there’s even one guy that’s selling used tires and piles and piles of tires. They have everything there. Imagine the hub from the Hunger Games and that’s what it looks like.

We have been knocking on a lot of doors lately. We don’t have a lot of investigators right now. Gallup has been slow, but we have made contact with about 50 people this week, so we have been staying busy. We think we have a few potentials though, so we have been trying to set up dates with some people. 

This morning I was climbing down a steep hill to retrieve a football we lost, as I was going down the hill I slipped and rolled my ankle. I’m OK, it’s just my ankle is the size of a softball right now. After I rolled it we hurried and gave that blessing to the sister that I was talking about that has the seizures all the time. I've taken some pain relievers and I’m wearing an ankle brace. I’m just moving a little bit slow right now. I’m still going to go out and do the Lord's work; nothing’s going to slow me down. Keep me in your prayers. Thanks for all your love and support.


Elder Collins

September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013

September 6, 2013

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